At Salford Business School, we’re committed to helping our students gain the skills and experience to become business leaders and managers who are fully equipped to thrive in the global market place.
While our focus is on innovation, entrepreneurship and business sustainability, these are just a few of the topics our blog will be touching on in the coming weeks and months.
Read all our Salford Business School blog posts here.
Our academics
A selection of our 100+ academics, many of whom remain active in the business world, will be writing about a wide range of issues affecting businesses and the lives of people across the UK and worldwide. Whether it’s the areas of social, digital or sports business covered by our three research centres or breaking economic and business news, we’ll be using our expertise to bring you the latest business trends, advice, research and debate.
Our current students

Some of our current students will be writing about their personal experience of life in Salford Business School, the opportunities open to them and details of the real-life projects and briefs they work on with local and national businesses and organisations.
Our alumni
We’ll be asking some of our alumni who’ve gone on to forge a successful career to offer advice to fellow business people and to students about to take their first step in the corporate world.
Our business partners
And guest bloggers from leading companies across a broad range of sectors will give their unique insight into the key concerns facing business now and in the future.
We plan to post a blog a day for the first week or so, covering subjects from Bitcoins to achieving and maintaining excellence at Manchester United, and then post at least once a week.
We hope you will enjoy reading the latest from our blog. Above all, we’d like our readers to join the debate, leave comments and get involved. You can subscribe to the blog and receive notifications of new posts by RSS, Twitter, Facebook or our Google+ profiles.
Hi there,
I completed around 18 months of a business studies degree starting in September 2004 before personal circumstances led to me leaving.
I have since gone on to become a relatively successful relationship manager within 2 successful banks – Barclays and Santander. In doing this I would be happy to offer advise or guidance to students, and hope to one day complete my degree at Salford.
Many thanks for your support and engagement Adam. Please do connect to Dr Kurt Allman – Associate Dean Enterprise on k.l.allman@salford.ac.uk.
Really good idea for a blog. Perhaps it could be used to identify current research, lectures and courses that the business school is in the throes of developing\delivering. This could also enhance the alumni network.
Thanks for the feedback Roman. Our professional advisory board provides a key industry input in our curriculum developments. I look forward our blog engagement enhancing this further.
This is Najaf Ahmad, originally from India, an entrepreneur and Ambassador (for India) & Mentor for University of Exeter, UK.
I’m impressed with the academic structure and faculty of Salford Business School. No doubt, it’s renowned institution of UK. I have met with Miss E.M. Roddy when she came to India few months ago in World Education Fair. I was amazed to know the pattern of MBA in Salford.
Now, I’m looking for an MBA in Salford Business School http://www.salford.ac.uk/business-school/business-management-courses/salford-mba
At the same time, I’m highly interested to represent Salford across the nation. I have many dreams and planning for UK’s upliftment from my end. Please do let me know how can I serve Salford with my international education and multi-ethnic cultures/experiences.
Najaf Ahmad
Thanks for the feedback Najaf. Please do get in contact with Eileen on e.m.roddy@salford.ac.uk to discuss opportunities further.
This is a step in the right direction for my university. congratulations on the new blog. hope the students in the business school will make good use of it.