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Carbon, Energy and Water

Advancing towards a greener way of working

Guest post by Paul Butlin (Advancement Green Impact team, Faraday House) Over the past four months the Advancement team have been working towards Green Impact bronze award. We have found that making lots of small changes has really helped us to change our office into a greener and more sustainable environment. I asked the team […]

Composting in your staff kitchen is easy!

The Green Crescent (Crescent House Green Impact team) are now turning their teabags and banana skins into compost to feed the university gardens, reducing the need to buy in compost and thus reducing financial and carbon costs. It’s very easy: you can do it too! Speak to your Building Manager. They will order you a […]

Crush it and bin it: reduces carbon (and relieves stress!)

Moshe Kinn, Student Green Impact Coordinator for the Energy House, announces the following campaign: “We at the Energy Hub Green Impact Team would like to share with you our campaign to reduce our carbon emissions by helping to reduce the volume of the rubbish we recycle and throw away. It is simple: the larger the […]

Setting the scene: energy scenarios and sustainability

Guest blog from Environment and Life Sciences Green Impact team. 1.  Background  Recent Energy Outlook 2035 predicts growth in global energy consumption of 41% between 2012 and 2035 and whilst this represents slower growth than over the last 20 years it still raises the prospect of significant environmental, economic and technical challenges to future energy […]

Fossil-Free Friday gets (and gives) some love at Uni House!

On Valentines Day, Friends of the Earth ran a ‘Fossil-Free Friday’ event at University House, to mark People and Planet’s fossil fuel divestment campaign. Students and staff wrote Valentines Day cards to local MPs to refuse donations from the fossil fuel industry and spoke to FoE volunteers about the current fracking plans at Barton Moss near […]

Success and tea for GreenCSE!

The Green CSE team, who share an office in Newton Building, won our recent Go for Gold Week prize of a tea party, despite some stiff competition from other teams (congratulations in particular to The Green Machine in the Sports Centre, to the SURF and SURGE teams and to everyone who completed actions during the […]

Energy House Team makes start on Green Impact

Guest post by Richard Fitton, Applied Buildings and Energy Research Group With the new year coming the team have made it their new year’s resolution to start trying to ascend the Green Impact league.  As a unit that prides itself on cutting edge energy research, we feel that it is a natural step for us to […]

Meet the S.U.R.G.E team!

Guest article by M. Spahiev (Green Impact Project Assistant for S.U.R.G.E) Green Impact is a scheme which encourage staff and students to reduce their environmental impact. Although the program is in its fifth year nationwide, this is the first year it will run at The University of Salford. My first day as a Green Impact […]

Achieving Bronze: Green Impact workshop tips for those who missed out!

We’re almost at the end of Go for Gold Week, and today’s workshop ‘How to Achieve Green Impact Bronze’ by Sophia Perkins of the NUS deal with a number of Green Impact’s aims: bringing people together, discussing challenges and finding solutions. For those unable to attend, here’s a summary of the contents: Working the workbook: […]

University achieves a First in green league table

The University of Salford has shot up the annual People and Planet Green League Table of universities thanks to a series of initiatives which have seen students and colleagues pitch in to reduce their environmental impact. Salford moved from 51st up to 17th place in the league table which independently catalogues factors such as water […]