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Ways to reduce your plastic use and waste

Reducing our use of single use plastics can seem daunting at first, but in reality all it takes to start is some simple lifestyle changes. And what better time to do that than Plastic Free July! Single use plastics are all around us and while some of them are necessary for safety or hygiene, there […]

Plastic Free July 2021

Plastic Free July is an annual campaign to raise awareness around one of the world’s biggest environmental challenges: plastic pollution. It has been running since 2011 and currently it is one of the most influential environmental campaigns in the world. In 2020, Plastic Free July was supported by 326 million participants worldwide.  Why plastic-free? There […]

Second hand sustainability – by James Creighton

‘Charity shops provide a sustainable and ethical option when one wishes to dispose of unwanted clothes‘. Charity shopping is great and is definitely associated with being a positive and sustainable act, however, a recent peak in popularity and a noticeable trend in charity shopping has created awareness of a few possible social issues these rising […]

Go Green Salford 2021: summary and resources

In March, we ran a series of events for this year’s Go Green Salford. They followed four themes, one for each week, and aimed at raising awareness of environmental issues related to food, wildlife, waste, and climate. Throughout the month, we saw lots of engagement and involvement from our community, including both staff and students! […]

The wasteful side of technology

In the last 40 years, our society and economy have been revolutionized by digital technology. As sharing data is getting easier and quicker, this helps us to become more connected, productive and informed. It is also transforming our public services; if used right, these advancements can lead to increased security and improved wellbeing. Some of […]

Sustainability NOW! – by Isobel Webster

Want to be trendy? Become sustainable. We can’t deny that ordering a parcel containing new clothes we have nowhere to wear in lockdown, wasn’t the highlight of the week. However, what we probably didn’t realise was how damaging fashion can be to our world and how unsustainable the term ‘Fast Fashion’ really is. I have […]

Go Green Salford – Week 3: Waste

We’re now in the third week of Go Green Salford! This week, we’ll help you finds new ways of reducing waste, whether it’s from your wardrobe, your bathroom, or your street. Sign up for one of our upcoming events: Wednesday 17/03, 13:00-13:45 Shopping From Your Wardrobe with Jessica Janvier An online talk on sustainable fashion […]

My World – by Jessica Janvier

This is my world. Our world needs to change. Being in Lockdown, we have all been forced to look at our surroundings and notice what our environment looks like. I personally have been saved by my environment. Due to living in the countryside, I have felt like I can go for my daily exercise – […]

11 simple ways to reduce your food waste

Food waste impacts our planet, society, and the economy: it drives climate change, threatens global food security, and it’s costly to manage. Because of this, it’s currently one of the main enemies to sustainability. Fortunately, while wasting food is harmful, it can also be easy to avoid! To support the Food Waste Action Week, and […]

Plastic Free July

Since 2011, millions of people have pledged to reduce their plastic waste as part of Plastic Free July. Will you get involved this year? Plastic Free July encourages citizens and businesses to change their behaviour in favour of avoiding single-use plastics and reducing plastic waste. The campaign is run by The Plastic Free Foundation and […]