I was very excited to leave my hometown when I got the unconditional offer from the University of Salford. Before I arrived, I had played many scenarios in my head about what the city, the area and my flat were going to look like.
I am from a foreign country, and I didn’t have the chance to visit an open day at the University, so I relied mainly on the photos and information online. I tried to familiarise myself as much as possible with the city and the student accommodation using the website, reading through the blogs, looking at the social media accounts and even Google Maps. Trust me: it is important to know where you are going, or at least to be aware that Salford is not next to Birmingham, for example.
Took everything which reminded me of home
I was full of enthusiasm to explore my new city and dive into the culture, but still, I needed all the little things to remind me of my home. I grew up next to the sea, so I brought shells and pebbles. I also took almost all the photos I had of my family and friends, my favourite pillow and my favourite coffee mug. My student accommodation room then resembled a mini-back-home model.
Found the food
When I arrived at my accommodation, I could see the shopping centre through the window. That was easy – food shopping places were right in front of me. Having a supermarket next to your home is vital, especially when you feel a sudden hunger for ice cream at 10 o’clock in the evening.
Became friends with my neighbours
Next step was to socialise and get to know as many people from different backgrounds as possible. I decided to use chocolate as a friendly weapon and greet the neighbours. I guess I watch Desperate Housewives too much as newcomers always seemed to bring some food to their neighbours, and I managed to make my first friendships.
Explored the campus

The student accommodation was close to the main campus, so I decided to go and explore. The campus tours, organised by the University of Salford, made it very easy because the Student Hosts took us to the most famous buildings and told us fun facts about them. I saw the library and found out that there is a silent room on campus where you can walk in and listen to the blood circulate in your veins. At least that’s what they said. I still haven’t been there. Also, I met many new people thanks to that campus tour.
What is more, I found out about the Students’ Union and all the societies I could join.
Visited MediaCityUK

Once I got off the last stop of the bus, the scenery took my breath away. Being a future Journalism student, I was blown away by the greatness of the BBC buildings and the environment there. I was so thrilled that I had the opportunity to study in such a place.
Toured Manchester

After I had studied the Greater Manchester Transport Map carefully, I went on an adventure on the streets of Manchester. I visited every hidden corner and street. I loved St. Ann’s Square and the Northern Quarter. Apart from MediaCityUK, these are my two favourite spots of the city. I was ready to call the University of Salford my home.
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