Business and Law Masterclasses @ MediaCityUK

The business and law masterclass sessions provide an unique opportunity for businesses to hear from our leading industry experts and academics on critical business issues. The last postgraduate business and law masterclass  took place on Wednesday, 21 May 2014 at University of Salford’s cutting edge MediaCityUK facilities. This learning and networking opportunity gave business leaders the chance […]

Salford Business School receives Small Business Charter Award

Salford Business School is celebrating after receiving the Small Business Charter Award at a special ceremony at 10 Downing Street, in recognition of the role it has played over the years in helping to kick-start British enterprise. The Small Business Charter Award is a new scheme that recognises the great success achieved by British business […]

Is #MANUTD the most dominant English football team of all time?

Since the foundation of the Football League in 1888, 23 clubs have been champions of the top division in English football. Some were single-season wonders, while others enjoyed more sustained success. As the Director of the Centre for Sports Business at Salford Business School, and Chair of the Royal Statistical Society’s sports section, I have developed a mathematical method for […]

Working abroad: from Salford to Abu Dhabi

June is an exciting time – exams are over and it is the end of your course – time to rest and plan ahead. Are you one of those students who has finished your course and now looking forward to your new job, further study or even starting your own business? I graduated from the […]

Inbound marketing workshop with @CIM_nw1 at @DBCentreSalford

Inbound Marketing is the latest buzzword when it comes to digital marketing. What is it? How is it changing the way marketeers develop their long term strategies? On Friday 9 May 2014, an Inbound Marketing Workshop took place at the University of Salford.  The workshop was organised by the Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM) North West region and […]

Mergers and acquisitions – was the Pfizer/AstraZeneca ‘no deal’ a success or failure?

There is something important to note about the deal on everyone’s lips at the time of writing (Pfizer/AstraZeneca). It is that journalists and politicians are repeating the ‘urban myth’ that `big pharma’ deals destroy value. This myth is proving difficult to dispel. Research conducted by Scott Moeller and myself for Intelligent M&A: Navigating the Mergers […]

A day in the life of a Salford Business School alumna

Salford Business School alumna, Lorna Cole, graduated with a BSc (Hons) in Business Studies and Marketing Management in 2011. Since graduating, Lorna has moved to Abu Dhabi working as a Marketing and Communications Officer at Global Medical Solutions. Lorna is one of our many alumni who is making the most of the knowledge gained as part of her studies at […]

Prince Philip, Cargo Cult island – Tanna and Survivorship Bias

The recent release of a book by Matthew Bayliss concerning the South Pacific tribe who worship Prince Philip echoes my own experience and observation of cargo cults at Salford Business School in reverse and, consequently, draws me to an alternative set of observations and conclusions. For example, there is the Prince Philip cargo cult island […]

Don’t blame Moyes for Man Utd woes: the buck stops at the top

Patience at Manchester United has run out. David Moyes has been sacked possibly sooner than was expected, but entirely predictably given the huge financial pressures that were looming if the team continued to under-perform. As Old Trafford veteran, Ryan Giggs, steps temporarily into the hot seat, it is important not to lose sight of the […]