Contributions to Events
27th October, Shaw Trust’s Disability Power 100

Healthy Active Cities researcher Harrie Larrington-Spencer was listed as one of the Shaw Trust’s Disability Power 100, in the category of ‘Community Action’. Her placement on the list recognises Harrie’s contributions to inclusive active travel in both her academic and community work.
Both Harrie’s profile and the full list can be viewed online.
The Green City: Understanding Our Green Spaces

Not many people realise Salford is 60% green space, and there are many exciting projects going on to celebrate and protect its urban nature. Dr Sam Hayes takes us on a journey into the importance of green spaces in Greater Manchester through the work of researchers at the University of Salford. In this video he explores the impact of green space on wellbeing, the benefits of running and cycling in the natural world, the importance of biodiversity and how we can contribute to protecting it.
18th August, Northern Evidence Academic Forum

Healthy Active Cities researchers Harrie Larrington-Spencer and Graeme Sherriff spoke at Transport for the North’s quarterly ‘Northern Evidence Academic Forum’ on their active neighbourhood research in Greater Manchester. In their presentation they discussed perceptions of active neighbourhoods and the role of walking infrastructures within this.
Their presentation can be viewed on Transport for the North’s YouTube channel
23rd April, RTPI NW

Healthy Active Cities researcher Sam Hayes spoke at the Royal Town Planning Institute Northwest’s webinar ‘Panning for Healthy Communities’ about their research on runners and green spaces. He discussed the potential ways in which the built environment and Planners influence the experience of running and might support people to use running as part of an active lifestyle.
Sam’s presentation can be viewed on RTPI Northwest’s YouTube channel.
4th April, Active Travel Podcast

Healthy Active Cities researcher Harrie Larrington-Spencer spoke with Prof. Rachel Aldred for the Active Travel Podcast about her work on inclusive cycling in Greater Manchester, the challenges posed for non-standard cycle users, and what inclusive active travel would look like.
7th December, Salford Now

Healthy Active Cities researcher Harrie Larrington-Spencer spoke with Sanny Rudravajhala about her work on inclusive cycling in Greater Manchester.
The article by Sanny is available to read on Salford Now and the video interview is available to watch on YouTube.
1st December, Views with Brews

Healthy Active Cities were invited to this popular online active travel seminar series to discuss the work and approach of the research team (Graeme Sherriff), as well as present on ongoing projects including E-Cargo (Luke Blazejewski) and Low Traffic Neighbourhoods (Harrie Larrington-Spencer).
24th November, Festival of Road Safety

Graeme Sherriff was invited to participate in a panel discussing ‘E-scooters – are they safe or do they pose a threat to users and other road users?’.
15th November, Prestwich Environmental Forum

Harrie Larrington-Spencer was invited to discuss getting about, for work/life/fun, actively and inclusively on a panel organised by the Prestwich Environmental Forum.
15th April, #FurloughFitness Podcast

In episode 5 of the #FurloughFitness podcast, Sam Hayes chatted about his research into green spaces and urban planning, and the significance these have on our wellbeing.