Seminar #23 Walkable neighbourhoods
We wanted to understand what older and disabled people need in terms of their neighbourhoods, and whether current approaches were meeting their needs. Our qualitative research has provided a rich understanding of the needs of older and disabled people including a focus on walkability, social infrastructure, and inclusive consultations. These provide a useful framework for future research to develop approaches like Active Neighbourhoods, Streets for All, and 20-minute neighbourhoods.
You can watch the launch event and download the final report below.
The opening presentation from Ian Cookson provides an overview of the findings of the study.
Launch Event

We launched our interim report with a seminar at The Old Fire Station on the University campus on Wednesday 25th January. Chaired by Eve Holt of GM moving, Ian Cookson provided an overview of the report before Anne Clarke and Anna Butler gave a presentation from TfGM. Dr Eve Blezard from the University of Salford gave an overview of her own research, and the synergies between the interim report and her own findings.
Ian Cookson | Research Assistant (University of Salford)
Anne Clarke | Cycling and walking evaluation officer (TfGM)
Anna Butler | Project Manager – Active Neighbourhoods (TfGM)
Dr Eve Blezard | Research Fellow (University of Salford)
More information about Eve’s current research can be found using the link below.
For the question and answer session we were joined by Ben Andrews. Ben is the managing director of Beyond Empower, who “make activity, health and life generally more accessible and inclusive for disabled people”.
Interim Report

Our interim report (January 2023) provides our analysis and recommendations for future research. Read the report as a pdf.
See other seminars in this series
Seminars – Healthy Active Cities – Healthy Active Cities (