Finding information

Referencing hacks

These top tips will have you dancing like snow in a snow globe As the end of trimester one gets nearer, your assignment deadlines may seem to be fast approaching. A few key hacks however can help you take control of your deadlines, rather than it feel like they control you. Among the most effective […]

Study smarter

Personalise your Learning: Choose the perfect format for your Blackboard content!

Make Ally your new best friend! Blackboard’s Anthology Ally tool enhances accessibility of learning materials in your modules, offering you a choice of formats to match your preferences, needs, and devices. With Ally, you can choose the format that suits you best, whether it’s downloading a PowerPoint presentation to read as a PDF, listening to […]

Careers advice

Are you ready for the Careers Fairs?

Did you know that the University of Salford Careers and Enterprise team hosts multiple Careers Fairs over the course of the year? Whether you’re an undergraduate, a postgraduate, or an alumni, there’s something for you, no matter what you study. Attend one of our Autumn Careers Fairs and you’ll be able to speak with employers […]

Study smarter

Pay for Netflix? Nah – get free films from Kanopy

Do you only want to watch the films that the big distributors want you to see? Or do you want to choose – for free – more eclectic films that have made cinematic history, or find videos and films that will help with your learning? If yes, then Kanopy is your thing. It’s free as […]

Careers advice

How to shine at interviews

Although many people find them to be a frightening experience, interviews are a crucial step in the hiring process. An employer can discover more about you, your qualifications, and your experience. You get the chance to highlight your suitability for the position and show why you are the best applicant during the interview. It is […]

Finding information

Supercharge your studies with Lean Library: Access, Save, Succeed!

Lean Library is a great way to make it easier to access e-resources you come across when searching and browsing online. When its pop-up icon appears on your screen, just click for resource access options. It’s already saved Salford users over 30,000 hours in 2023 – how much time could you save? Lean Library lets […]

Careers advice

Part-time jobs at University

Have you moved away from home and need money to help finance your stay? Part-time jobs are popular with students during their time in education. Many different jobs are available, including work in sales, service industries and working for your university. Why get a part-time job? With costs rising and student loans not changing much, […]

Boosting wellbeing

Mindfulness tips

A short mindful walk Walking can help to boost your overall physical health and can also counter anxiety and depression. A quick walk around Peel Park is a great way to relax and remove yourself from the stresses of your day. Think about what you observe and allow yourself the time to appreciate what’s around […]

Boosting wellbeing

Mental Health Awareness Week

Taking care of your mental health: focus on anxiety The theme of this year’s Mental Health Awareness Week is anxiety. “Anxiety is what we feel when we are worried, tense or afraid – particularly about things that are about to happen, or which we think could happen in the future.” Mind, 2023 In the Library, […]

Study smarter

Add ‘Microsoft Office Specialist’ to your CV

Now you can demonstrate to prospective employers that you have the key digital skills that they require. Pass exams in Microsoft Office applications and achieve ‘Microsoft Office Specialist’ (MOS) certification. Microsoft Office is the world’s number one office productivity software and is used in most companies around the world. When applying for jobs you can […]