I am a true believer that we don’t give ourselves enough time to sit and ponder about life. I think its healthy to sit and simply think, as opposed to rushing into the next thing. I was thinking of how my summer is planned, almost to the hour it seems, and how I’ve had no time to recap my first year at Salford, as well as all the wonderful memories I’ve created.
Since moving out of home in September, I can honestly say I’ve had the most amazing time of my life, and wanted to share this time with you in a selection of photos I’ve taken during my first year at uni.
Launching into student life

This is perhaps the most memorable moment of being a “fresher”. This is the first night that our whole flat had been together. We chose to celebrate this with a “sophisticated” night out at Fifth nightclub.
Out and about

This photo was taken the first time I was properly exploring Manchester with a mate of mine. I never would have guessed I’d be able to find my way around such a large city in just a few months time.
On air

This was taken shortly after I’d finished my first show on Shock Radio, Salford’s student radio station. The week’s theme was Ibiza Dance Anthems, which was great because that is completely my scene. Oh, did I mention it won me the year’s first “Show of the Week”?
Just dropping by

This one’s quite cool actually. Myself and a couple of course mates headed down to the Children in Need offices on the actual day of the fundraiser. I had to get a picture with Pudsey Bear now, didn’t I?
And we’re live in 3…2…

One of the proudest moments of my life. My first outside broadcast for Quay’s News.
I mean business

While to you this may look like an ordinary “soft touch” mug, to me this signifies starting my job as a Student Social Media Assistant in the University’s Marketing department. Quite a random thing to take a photo of I admit, however I sent this photo to my family Whatsapp group with the caption “for my new desk” to let them know I’d got the job. Something I hadn’t shut up about for weeks. The mug still has it’s rightful place on my desk to this date.
Oh Stace, what’s occurin’?

Reunited with my big sister Stacey on Christmas Day. While I was loving every second of life in Manchester, it was great to spend some time at home with my family.
Have we got any plastic cups?

We were clearly taking advantage of Callum’s Polaroid camera on this occasion (he’s a bit of a hipster on the quiet.) This was such a brilliant night, for the first time ever, we were the ones hosting a party at Peel Park. As per, we wisely used the time before our guests arrived…for the PHOTOSHOOT!
Call me Nigella

This is an important moment in my year, as I finally accepted that I CAN’T COOK. It’s also worth noting that you shouldn’t put tuna or beetroot in an omelette. Grim.
Oh how cosmopolitan!

My mum’s first venture up to Manchester after waving me off into Peel Park Quarter. Mum was joined by my Auntie Chris and her daughter Emma. Auntie Chris is one of those aunties who has no biological relation to you, but is definitely your auntie because she’s your mum’s mate. This is a photo of Emma and I treating our mums to a late Mother’s Day present: cocktail making at The Refinery, Spinningfields.
Story this…

This was a selfie of myself and fellow Journo first year Harry. This was taken after quite a “full-on” evening at the School of Arts and Media Journalism Awards. I was asked to attend to cover the evening on the University of Salford’s Instagram and Snapchat Stories. It was a real honour to be able to do a social media takeover, as well as attend quite a fancy do.
Here comes the sun

This is the most recent selfie of me, at Parklife 2018 with all my flatmates and friends. It was a fantastic weekend to start what is hopefully going to be a brilliant summer break, although I highly doubt it will top my first year at the University of Salford.
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