To make the most out of your university experience, snapping up every opportunity you get to broaden your ideas and find inspiration is super important.
A group of Law students recently took up the opportunity to visit Amsterdam and The Hague, which involved having a look around the International Criminal Court and many other insightful and inspiring places. They were kind enough to have a chat with me about what they got up to – read on to find out more!

What activities did you do on the trip?
Nazia Shah – Law with Criminology, second year: We visited the Anne Frank Museum and got to experience a journey through each floor of the houses on our first day. We also visited The Hague – we travelled alongside Professor David Rossati, lecturer of International Law, to the International Criminal Courts. We were lucky enough to have an inspiring talk by one of the practicing solicitors and subsequently a viewing of the first hearing for the case of Patrice-Edouard Ngaïssona.
In our free time, we aimed to explore as much of Amsterdam as possible. This was great – we did plenty of shopping and visited some lovely restaurants in the city centre. To end our trip, we visited A’Dam Lookout – a 20 story building with a 360 degree view of Amsterdam. To top it off, we experienced ‘Over the Edge’, Europe’s highest swing on A’Dam’s sky deck!

How do you think the trip will help you in your studies?
Vanessa Wojcik – Law, second year: Our visit to the Hague was very informative, it was an eye-opener as to how our degree can help us in the future, and the process of possibly securing a job at the International Criminal Court. The visit gave us a taster of International Law – which is a second year option on our course. Witnessing court proceedings helped us gain a lot more insight into the trial process of the International Court and how it differs to a UK trial. Seeing this first hand was both fascinating and a privilege as a law student.

Has it influenced your decisions on a future career?
Rugilė Ladauskaite – Law, second year: Our trip has most definitely influenced and persuaded us to look into working in such a prestigious establishment such as the International Criminal Court. Visiting the city of Amsterdam has encouraged many of us to explore the options of working and starting apprenticeships abroad in the hope to broaden our horizons and gain relevant experience.

Inspiration can come in all shapes and sizes – taking part in trips, being part of societies and open to opportunities can be a great way to get out there, get learning and get motivated!
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I longto be in such a world class institution