The final year of university is often the most daunting one, so here are some tips from someone also heading into third year to help settle your nerves – you’re not alone! 

Tip Number One – Be prepared

The workload this year is going to be bigger than anything you have dealt with in the last two years of your studies; it’s common for 75% of your degree grade to come from this year’s work. The best thing you can do is to keep organized and keep all your work in order.  

I do this by using folders to organize all my notes so I don’t lose track of where my work is going. If you don’t work digitally, you can use different notebooks for each module to help you keep track of the work. Another way of preparing is using time management skills such as scheduling when you are going to complete assignments. This will help you to stay organized, and hopefully help you feel less stressed going into classes.  

Tip Number Two – Studying in groups is helpful

This is more of personal tip from me, but I find studying in groups so much easier than studying by myself. I get easily distracted working by myself by my music or my phone, so I get together with a group of friends, and we set a goal to complete by the time our session ends. Lots of people like studying on their own which is completely okay, but if you find you get very easily distracted like I do, you could try making a checklist or an agenda to get a group of friends together to study.  

Tip Number Three – Don’t be afraid to take breaks

The worst thing you can do is overload yourself trying to take on too many tasks at once. This can cause burnout and won’t be helpful when further work continues to come in. Taking a break from your work is healthy so make sure you are taking mini breaks to hydrate, talk to a friend or do something that you enjoy. This will make you more motivated and improve your energy to work. This also gives you time to go into Manchester with friends to further explore your home.  

Tip Number Four – Campus is a great place to hang out

When you aren’t in lectures or studying, The University of Salford campus has some amazing spots to go and hang out, alone or with friends. You can visit the Peel Park for a picnic, go and visit Salford Museum and Art Gallery or even go and visit Atmosphere, our on-campus student bar located in the Students’ Union building which holds events during the week for students.  

Tip Number Five – Make the most of your time

I can say from my own experience that time moves so quickly while at university. So, make sure you are enjoying every moment you can of it, including having fun with your classmates and friends.

I hope you find these tips helpful during your third and final year of studies!