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Posts by: Rebecca

My name is Rebecca and I'm studying an MSc in Media Psychology. I previously worked as a reporter at a newspaper and in my spare time, I enjoy running and going out for meals.


Top tips for a career in psychology

For students hoping to have a career in psychology, knowing how to get there can be a daunting experience. I […]

An alumnus’ perspective: civil engineering at Salford

After graduating with a BEng in Civil Engineering (complete with an integrated foundation year), Haroon Ashraf felt that his time […]

Ways to keep fit while studying

Keeping fit and exercising is an important part of university. It’s great to have some time to de-stress and collect […]

Brunch spots in Manchester and Salford

Everyone loves a good brunch, and amongst students it’s (probably) favoured more than breakfast, because, who’s really up in time […]

Celebrity spotting in Manchester and Salford

Manchester is fast becoming one of the swankiest places to be. With two football teams, a soap series and a […]
Image: Computer Programming

From Japan to Salford – master’s student Rena Abe

Rena Abe travelled from Japan to study MSc Advanced Computer Science here at Salford. She came to the university via […]
Image: Electrical Component

Fahmid Chowdhury – Electronic Engineering

Fahmid Chowdhury is a first year BEng Electronic Engineering student at the University of Salford and is also a Student […]

The best running routes in Salford – Rebecca’s pick

Going for a run can be the perfect way to let off steam after a long day, the ideal revision […]
Image: Row of hearts in a line

Affordable ideas for Valentine’s Day

When you’re a student, learning how to budget your money is a very important skill. With special occasions like Valentine’s […]
Image: Books

Things you should know before studying a master’s degree…

Going on to study a master’s after finishing your undergraduate degree is not a decision that is to be made lightly. The […]