2017 Professorial and Readership promotions announced

Professor Helen Marshall Dear Colleagues, I am delighted to announce our new Professors and Readers for 2017. All have proved their sustained and recognised leadership and I warmly congratulate each one of them for achieving these well-deserved promotions. I am particularly pleased to see eight of the candidates are women, which ties in with our […]

Publishing in Scholarly Journals

As a researcher, sharing your work is essential to furthering the discussion, development and potentially even funding of your findings. The sheer quantity of guides available on “how to write” and “how to target X journal” perhaps signifying the impact of targeting the right place and the best audience for your research. Before reaching the stage of submitting in […]

New easy-to-use Ethics website launches

The Research Centres Support Team in the Research & Enterprise Division are pleased to announced the launch of the new University Ethics Website. Over the last few months, the team have been working to develop a new, centralised website and to update all the application forms, so that the whole process of getting ethics approval […]

Research Centres Brochure

  The Research Centres Support Team worked with each of the Research Centres to develop a brochure that showcases the innovative and varied research being conducted at the University of Salford. The University of Salford has 9 Research Centres, each sitting within one of the 7 Schools:  Arts, Media and Communications Research Centre; Centre for Built Environment, […]

HEFCE Open Access Policy

Starting today (1 April 2016), any research paper you have accepted for publication must comply with the HEFCE Open Access Policy to be eligible for the next Research Excellence Framework (REF) assessment. The easiest way to achieve compliance is to deposit your accepted manuscript into the University of Salford Institutional Repository (USIR) as soon as […]

New video launches to showcase our excellent research

The University launched a video last year highlighting the excellent research taking place here at Salford and this is now available online. Presented by BBC North West weather presenter and meteorologist Clare Nasir, the two-and-a-half minute package provides an overview of the world-leading research at the University and how it impacts the world around us. Professor […]

New REF regulations for published research papers from 1 April

Under the Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE) Open Access Policy, all peer reviewed journal articles and conference papers, accepted for publication from 1 April 2016, must meet open access requirements to be eligible for the next REF. The University has developed an internal support approach which will minimise additional work for staff and […]