OPTIMAX research project

In August 2015 some BSc radiography students from the University of Salford went to Groningen, The Netherlands, to participate in an intensive 3 week residential summer school to conduct team based multinational research into diagnostic imaging. Participating countries included South Africa, UK, Switzerland, Portugal, Norway, UK and The Netherlands. There were almost 60 participants. Five […]

University provides research expertise to Manchester Institute of Health and Performance

The School of Health Sciences has recently signed a collaboration agreement with the newly-formed Manchester Institute of Health and Performance (MIHP), supporting the facility with both new and existing staff. The Institute’s brand new home opened in January 2016 and was developed through an £18m investment from partners Manchester City Council, Sports England and City […]

Dr Deborah Davys awarded Vice Chancellor Scholarship

Deborah is a lecturer in the Directorate of Occupational therapy and was awarded the Vice Chancellor’s Early Career Research Scholarship to further develop findings from her PhD thesis which was related to the future concerns of siblings of people who have a learning disability. The VC award will help Deborah to gain an in-depth understanding […]

Innovative ‘Walking School Bus’ research now offering amazing competition

goWSB (walking school bus) is part of the Sixth Sense Transport project which investigated how travel decisions could be enhanced using social networking principles and smartphone technology to create ‘visibility’ of transport options in time and space. The research behind the goWSB app involved three years of computer science research into how to provide generalizable […]

Centre Newsletter January 2016: about our people and their research

2016 has been a busy and vibrant year in the Centre for Health Sciences Research. We have welcomed a large number of new staff and students and had much reason to celebrate: on the professional side we report various awards, promotions and other achievements of staff and students alike. Moreover, several weddings have taken place […]

How foetal alcohol spectrum disorders could be a hidden epidemic

The new Department of Health guideline on alcohol says that there is no safe alcohol limit for pregnant women. Alcohol should simply be avoided. Alcohol exposure during pregnancy can cause damage to the body and brain of the baby, causing a range of lifelong problems. These problems are grouped under the umbrella term “foetal alcohol […]

Santander Travel Award granted for innovative foot research

A Santander Travel Award has been granted to Dr Kris Hollands and Prof Chris Nester to collaborate with Dr. Leah Bent: (University of Guelph, Canada: https://www.uoguelph.ca/hhns/People/LBent.html) on a project investigating the role of sensation from the soles of the feet, and the effects of sensory stimulating insoles, on controlling balance and walking. Walking safely requires the ability to […]

University of Salford award winning innovation assisting travel to school

The smartphone app, developed by academics at the University of Salford and Lancaster University helps families make journeys to school more convenient. The app ‘goWSB’ was developed by psychologist Dr Sarah Norgate (University of Salford) and computer scientist Professor Nigel Davies (Lancaster University) to encourage families and school communities to use walking buses.