10 reasons to attend Creative Entrepreneur 2015 #CreativeEnt

Alex Fenton - Creative Entrepreneur
Alex Fenton

Salford Business School is once again opening its doors to our cutting edge campus at MediaCityUK to you, your friends and colleagues! We are bringing together our centres of Digital Business, Sports Business and Social Business to provide inspiration and education for all, thinking about global opportunity in a connected world.

Whether you are a student, young entrepreneur, graduate or a seasoned professional you will find great opportunities to inspire your entrepreneurial business thinking at our Creative Entrepreneur 2015 event.

Meet young entrepreneurs amongst our students, members of staff or many other businesses from near and far. Join us at this open innovation space at MediaCityUK on Wednesday 25 November from 9.00am to 5.00pm.


See the video below and read on for more about the Creative Entrepreneur event.


You will witness an amazing showcase of masterclasses, have your questions answered by panel sessions, join in some of the demonstrations, admire installations and performances that will inspire, entertain and inform you. You will have a great place for networking meeting some of the students and staff from the University of Salford including the award-winning Centre for Digital Business, Creative Hive and MediaCityUK team.

Whether you are already an entrepreneur, or thinking of joining the next generation of entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs, this event is for you. The event is fused with the digitally-connected economy, helping you to help us celebrate  – 2015: the Year of Connected Business.

Not sure if the event is for you? Here are our top 10 reasons to register and attend Creative Entrepreneur 2015:

1. Keynote from a global creative entrepreneur from the USA

Cindy KrumYou will see a keynote from Cindy Krum, one of the worlds most innovative thinkers, who is the founder of Mobile Moxie and an international creative entrepreneur.

Cindy is an inspiring, international speaker and author, having published books and spoken all around the world. Cindy tells her story as a global creative entrepreneur which will entertain, inspire and inform.

2. A visit to MediaCityUK – it’s well worth it


The University of Salford is based at MediaCityUK in the Orange Tower (it is not orange!), next door to the BBC, and we share a building with ITV.

I thoroughly enjoyed The Creative Entrepreneur. Thank you to you and everyone involved for organising such a successful and enjoyable event.” – Sue Lister (Tresil, local SME)

Our MediaCityUK space features cutting-edge technology, multi-touch tables, Christie MicroTile walls and a Digital Performance Lab featuring one of the largest HD screens in Europe. The technology in the space will showcase creative and entrepreneurial projects and brilliant minds coming together for an astonishing showcase of creative entrepreneurialism. Here is a brief introduction to the MediaCityUK facilities captured as part of a virtual open day: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-yuz_-uqHf0 MediaCityUK campus University of Salford


High profile speakers are combined with local favourites and interactive sessions. Take in the stunning views of MediaCityUK, with a breathtaking view over the water from the suspension bridge to the Lowry and Imperial War Museum North.

3. Participate in some incredible panel discussions

creative-entrepreneur panel discussion


Panel session in the Digital Performance Lab, MediaCityUK

You will meet some amazing industry speakers, academics and students and have a chance to get your questions answered by some of the leading thinkers and industry professionals who are working with Salford Business School on a regular basis. There are 14 sessions in two tracks on Digital Marketing, the future of sports business 2.0,  Social business, Information security, challenges for the next generation of entrepreneurs and online businesses, the EU referendum  and much, much more. Attending the event, you will see innovative ideas and more on the theme of the Creative Entrepreneur (full programme here).

“The Creative Entrepreneur Event was mind blowing.
Peace Oshiafi, University of Salford student (MSc Information Systems Management)

4. The event is free and you get a free lunch!

So there really is such a thing as a free lunch! Free is good right? Our objective is to educate, inform and entertain you. You will get a colour brochure and food and drinks throughout the day so you can keep your concentration!

The event is free, but there are limited places, so secure your place by registering first before you share this blog post!

5. Meet your future employers and business partners!

#salford ambition

Between our Careers and Employability stands, over 40 speakers and official networking sessions with visiting Large and Small and Medium-Sized Enterprise (SMEs), you could meet or find out about your future potential employer. As a student, if you attend the day you will learn how you can open the doors to internships, graduate jobs and the right information and connections to allow you to embark on a successful career path. The video below shows what last years event was like.

What the University of Salford is doing is fantastic and they’re giving a wonderful opportunity for students to meet entrepreneurs and give them real life experience.
Lee McAteer, Owner of Invasion Group and AmeriCamp


If you are an entrepreneur and want to meet other businesses interested in a similar venture this place is for you too! There are a number of break out sessions and small group discussions where you can meet others and ask questions that are important for your organisation.

6. Meet talented potential employees

Students at MediaCityUK

University of Salford students and staff at MediaCityUK

As a representative of a company or any other organisation looking for employees, this event represents an excellent opportunity to meet graduate talent to help you deal with 21st century business challenges in the global, digitally-connected economy. Between our speed networking and inspiring talks, you will be able to meet your potential next recruits and speak to our careers teams, who will be able to put you in touch with even more students.

In addition, our Business Innovation Project (BIP) stand will be best placed to connect you with our brightest Masters students via internships or live projects. Seek out Kerry Moores at the BIP stand who will show you how easy it is to connect with talented MSc students to help you with real projects.

7. See competitions and installations

If you are right- or left-brained, we have video installations, a brand new creative competition for creative entrepreneurs launching and some amazing work from artist Andrew Brooks working with our students.


Students enjoying touch tables at MediaCityUK – Photo by Andrew Brooks

8. Discover the next Innovative idea and win prizesTech Angels - Building Bright Ideas

Building Bright Ideas – win £1,000 for an innovative idea

Our WA:UK Tech Angels culminates in a Dragons’ Den session in the Digital Performance Lab, with the best idea for a new digital business receiving a £1,000 prize.

In addition, we will be showcasing some innovative digital ideas from our students and also launching a new competition for Creative Entrepreneurs.


9. Get Your social media picture taken and profile upgraded

Our photographer will be poised to take you a brand new, professional and lovely profile picture, which you can send to your mum, but more importantly, add to your professional online presence including your own website, Creative Hive and LinkedIn.

In addition, two expert, digital company owners from Manchester and London respectively will be running a session to tell you how to get noticed online to grow your network and seek new jobs.

10. Get interactive!

If you love social media, the whole day will be a joy for you. Tweets on the #CreativeEnt hashtag will be shown on our amazing Christie tile wall and you’ll have the ability to connect with and follow our 25 industry speakers and more.

In addition, our social media play in the Digital Performance Lab will open your eyes to a life with and without social media. Prepare to be amazed and get interactive. There will be a chance to get interactive also with our multi-touch tables, Christie MicroTiles and other amazing technology we are working on.

University of Salford Media City UK campus
University of Salford MediaCityUK campus

Be part of #CreativeEnt history

Creative Entrepreneur 2015 is the second event of its kind – we are breaking new ground and we would love you to be part of it! This will be a great networking and educational experience, allowing you to immerse yourself into all things digital, sports, social, entrepreneurial and creative.

If you would like to be part of the event in other ways please do contact Alex Fenton and we can have a chat about ways to make this event even more fantastic!

Don’t miss out!

Register for free at this amazing event while tickets last and secure your free place. If you are late we will add you to a waiting list!

Can you think of any other reasons why you and others should join this event? Please help us by adding your thoughts below and sharing this blog post on your favourite social network!