The right to be forgotten is fundamental in the digital age

The current debate over the right to be forgotten, spurred by a European Union ruling that allows people to stop certain web pages from appearing in search results, is proof – if further proof was required – of the distinct form of public life that is being created by the internet. Our digital identities are […]

Can crowdsourcing bring students and companies together?

The adage “two heads are better than one” is at the core of a new European project UC-Crowd. The project has the ultimate goal of enabling companies and universities to work effectively and productively together on real business challenges – using a platform called Challenge Academy. The project team are using the latest technological advances […]

Back to School to Get Better Data Analytics

The UK’s digital advertising spend reached a new record in 2013, valued at £6.3 billion. This double digit growth of 15.2%, highlighted in the study done by Internet Advertising Bureau and PricewaterhouseCoopers, is just one of many indicators showing a rapidly expanding industry. In such a competitive market, evidence based decision making is paramount. Every brand is […]

Salford Business School wins Little Chip Student Award at #BigChipAwards

Salford Business School’s success with digital enterprise continued this week with winning the Little Chip Student Award 2014. It is one of the two Salford Business School’s projects short-listed for the Big Chip 2014 Awards. The Big Chips are far and away the biggest digital awards outside of London and the longest running in the […]

How to get a PhD at Salford Business School – Dr. Alaa Garad achieves the dream

Becoming a distinguished professor, adding value to my students, family and community – this has always been my dream. This is now a reality, thanks to the wonderful support  I received from Salford Business School. I began my PhD journey in 2006. My research was in Organizational Learning under the supervision of Dr. Sudi Sharifi, […]

What is digital business?

The digital economy is rapidly growing. At the core of this ‘new’ economy is digital business, its practices, business models and engagement with consumers. But what is digital business? Using LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® we asked nine members of the Centre for Digital Business to describe what they mean when they discuss digital business. Not surprisingly digital […]

Business and Law Masterclasses @ MediaCityUK

The business and law masterclass sessions provide an unique opportunity for businesses to hear from our leading industry experts and academics on critical business issues. The last postgraduate business and law masterclass  took place on Wednesday, 21 May 2014 at University of Salford’s cutting edge MediaCityUK facilities. This learning and networking opportunity gave business leaders the chance […]

Salford Business School receives Small Business Charter Award

Salford Business School is celebrating after receiving the Small Business Charter Award at a special ceremony at 10 Downing Street, in recognition of the role it has played over the years in helping to kick-start British enterprise. The Small Business Charter Award is a new scheme that recognises the great success achieved by British business […]

Is #MANUTD the most dominant English football team of all time?

Since the foundation of the Football League in 1888, 23 clubs have been champions of the top division in English football. Some were single-season wonders, while others enjoyed more sustained success. As the Director of the Centre for Sports Business at Salford Business School, and Chair of the Royal Statistical Society’s sports section, I have developed a mathematical method for […]

Working abroad: from Salford to Abu Dhabi

June is an exciting time – exams are over and it is the end of your course – time to rest and plan ahead. Are you one of those students who has finished your course and now looking forward to your new job, further study or even starting your own business? I graduated from the […]