The new academic year is here! Read a letter from a member of staff who has written a letter especially for you with their advice on how you can make the most of your time as a Salford student.

This letter was written by Lucy, a Languages and PhD French Studies graduate. They identified themselves as a mature postgraduate student who experienced living on campus in student halls. They are also disabled and part of the LGBTQIA+ community.

Dear student,

Congratulations, you’ve made it to Salford!  

Starting this new adventure can be scary, especially when you’re coming with a disability as I was. I remember my first day of university, having recently become a wheelchair user and feeling like I had no clue how I would navigate my way through this journey. But what I found was a community who cared about me and who wanted to do everything they could to ensure that I didn’t just survive, but thrived.  

If you’re not sure or if you need help, keep asking questions and you will find your way to someone who can help. Remember, there are services who are dedicated to supporting you and helping you make your university experience the best it can be! Please don’t be afraid to use them and to speak up when you need help. Salford is an amazing, supportive and caring community, so let them embrace you and lift you up. 
My first day of university, I had also recently come out to my parents as bisexual and I was terrified about how other students would react to this at university. What I quickly learned, though, was that university is a wonderful melting pot of people from all walks of life and it is truly the place where you can find your tribe. Gone are the days of the nervous, newly out teenager and I am now a proud member of Manchester’s thriving queer scene. Allow yourself to explore, to meet new people, and see where this adventure takes you. You’re about to embark on the ride of a lifetime and, at Salford, you couldn’t have chosen a better place to do it. 

From all the staff here at the University, we’re rooting for you! 

– Lucy, Languages and PhD French Studies graduate

This letter is one in a series written by Salford staff members and alumni to you and your fellow students. We hope that, by sharing our experiences and advice, we can help you settle into uni life and feel excited for all that you have to come. Want to read more? There’s plenty to choose from.