Researchers develop novel technology for harvesting solar energy

Physicists at the University of Salford, along with 12 international partners, have launched a €5 million research project that aims to develop novel types of photovoltaic (PV) cell for use in solar panels. The cells will use so-called perovskite PV technology, which has the potential to be both low-cost and extremely efficient. The project, entitled […]

Creative Writing Lecturer invited to meet Minister for Disabled People

Dr Ursula Hurley, Senior Lecturer in Creative Writing, recently visited Justin Tomlinson MP, Minister for Disabled People, at the Department for Work and Pensions. Ursula was invited to meet the Minister to update him on her AHRC Connected Communities project, ‘In The Making’, which explores digital fabrication and its potential to improve the lives of […]

Salford academics win awards for best Journal papers 2015

Radiography (ISSN 1078-8174) is an international peer reviewed journal of radiography and radiation therapy. In 2015, as the official Journal of the Society and College of Radiographers, Radiography was circulated in print to over 23,000 people.  In 2015 there were over 10,000 institutions in 116 countries that had a ScienceDirect account that included access to the Journal and […]

UoS awarded funding for post-disaster housing reconstruction project

The CIOB’s Bowen Jenkins Legacy Research Fund will award construction research projects with up to £10,000 each.  University of Salford is amongst the six projects to be awarded for its: ‘Long-term Sustainability of Post-disaster Housing Reconstruction Projects’ by Dr Bingunath Ingirige (UoS) and Dr Gayan Wedawatta MCIOB (Aston University).

European Congress of Radiology, Vienna, March 2016

Throughout August 2015 the third research summer school for optimising radiation dose and image quality (‘OPTIMAX 2015’) was held in Groningen, The Netherlands. Fifty three people participated, including PhD, MSc, BSc students and tutors from physics, radiography and nuclear medicine. Throughout the summer school five empirical pieces of research were conducted in multinational teams and […]

Physicists prove new potential for silicon chips

Scientists have opened a door to faster, cheaper telecommunications after proving a new link between silicon chips and ‘rare-earth’ metals used in internet signalling. Silicon is the ‘gold standard’ semiconductor at the heart of the computer industry but lacks the ability to produce, detect and amplify the light signals that are sent down optical fibre. […]

Future of Human Resource Summit and Exhibition

We are very delighted to present our latest conference – the Future of Human Resource Summit and Exhibition hosted by the University of Salford. The University of Salford is committed to actively improving the well-being of workforce, enhancing the effectiveness of human recourse management practice, as well as promoting the organisational performance and business competitiveness. […]

Transforming Settlements of the Urban Poor in Uganda

UPRISE Research Fellow, Dr Sophie King, has recently returned from a research design workshop in Kampala in support of a collaborative international initiative which is asking ‘what shapes state vision, commitment and capacity to reduce urban poverty in Ugandan towns and cities?’ The research is being co-produced with the Ugandan Alliance – a partnership between […]

A new book showcases the University’s sociology expertise

A recently-published book, which looks at the sociology of work and employment, boasts a number of varied connections to the University. The principal editor of The Sage Handbook of the Sociology of Work and Employment is Stephen Edgell, who was appointed lecturer at the University in 1970 and is currently a (semi-) retired Research Professor […]

OPTIMAX research project

In August 2015 some BSc radiography students from the University of Salford went to Groningen, The Netherlands, to participate in an intensive 3 week residential summer school to conduct team based multinational research into diagnostic imaging. Participating countries included South Africa, UK, Switzerland, Portugal, Norway, UK and The Netherlands. There were almost 60 participants. Five […]