The benefits of social learning My name’s Zoe Breen and I’m producer of the WebWise a BBC* website which promotes adult digital literacy. I’m also a blogger for Manchester Girl Geeks a group which aims to engage women and girls with science and technology. Having produced websites for the BBC for 12 years I felt […]
Read more.....I’m coming to the end of my time on the Search and Social Media Marketing course at the Universtiy of Salford and it’s time to look back and analyse what I’ve learned and how I can best put it to use at work. Let me start off by introducing myself . I‘m Rachael and I […]
Read more.....My initial motivation for joining this Search and Social Media Marketing course was to learn about social media and how I could leverage it as part of my marketing planning when I was ready to start a website to become an entrepreneur. Build a website for free? Unfortunately I am starting from grassroots level, and […]
Read more.....I initially joined the search and social media course at Salford University to update my knowledge on how best to attract and engage with the potential new customers in Manchester, and therefore grow my business. My business is Blush Dance, a pole dance, aerial fitness and burlesque dance studio, we have a website and all […]
Read more.....Hit by Google Panda? Problems with SEO? Poor ranking web site? These were some of the issues my company Dayinsure had. Dayinsure usually ranked well for most search terms but in particular Temporary Car Insurance and Short Term Car Insurance, were always listed in the top 3 of SERPs. Thanks Google Panda!! At the end […]
Read more.....Q. How do I know half of SEO companies can’t be trusted? A. Because the other half tell me so. . . In fact I get told quite a lot by SEO companies so I thought I would attend Salford University’s SSMM course to help me make an informed decision when it comes to choosing […]
Read more.....Hey there, So i’m now on attempt two of attempting to enter the blogging world so you’re in for a treat! To give you some context we’ve been asked to write a blog post about a topic that we’re aware of that’ll let us demonstrate our skills – currently this is going well as I’m […]
Read more.....Temporary car insurance saved my skin
Read more.....Blog feature is to describe the how attending an SSMM will enhance the brief and product catalogue spreadsheet for a re-developed site before handover to a web development company. Explain current position, i.e. website needed to incorporate back office and decided to use the opportunity to re-visit the website build
Read more.....The third Search, Analytics and Social Media conference (SAScon) in Manchester promises to be bigger and better than ever. Not only is it offering a great line up of internationally renowned speakers but is also attracting great attendees who will contribute to the networking and debates during what promises to be lively sessions. One of […]
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