Seven reasons for a Career Change to Search and Social Media Marketing?

By Nov.27, 2014

Written from the view and experience of a budding digital marketer, @Maxine_Skelton

After 11 years running a small business in curtain retail I was looking at new ways to promote my business. I turned to digital marketing. To understand it better, I went to the many media exhibitions and joined an enlightening organisation, Manchester Digital. Along the way I met some great inspiring people, in an industry which I find very appealing.  This September I decided to commit to the Search & Social Media Marketing foundation course run by the University of Salford as a taster.  I immediately upgraded to the full professional course.  My mind was made up, career change and out of my comfort zone – scary, but exciting.


1.) Digital Marketing covers many skills


There are jobs that will appeal to many. Whether you are an introvert or extravert, a mathematics academic or a story teller, digital marketing covers so many types of marketing;

  • Social Media Marketing
  • Quality content writing
  • Search Engine Marketing
  • Email Marketing
  • Inbound Marketing
  • Copy Writing
  • Analytics
  • Web design and Development
  • Advertising


2.) Age is irrelevant

Passion, ability to learn and interpersonal skills will get you far.


3.) Skills

There is a shortage of skills in the industry. This benefits you by making it easier to get a foot in the door.


4.) A Great Future

The digital universe is doubling in size every year. By 2020, it is predicted that there will be a stack of iPad Airs reaching from the earth to the moon 6.6 times over. As a general rule, growing industries present opportunity and job security.


5.) Potentially some good salaries

In the North West, Starting as a Social Media Executive averages £25,000, to a Digital Director averaging £100,000. Get good at your game and getting an internship with the big social players in the US, for $1000’s a month.


6.)  Technology is always evolving

Media is set to be everywhere. Built into kitchen worktops, on watches and many other places. Gadgets will get smaller and faster. Changes in design such as a see through phone


7.)  Selfless opportunities

Opportunity to help others, especially in supporting struggling small internet businesses and charities.


Why I chose University of Salford to help me on my journey?

Having limited knowledge of Search and Social Media Marketing and wanted to fast track my skills and knowledge. I selected the course at the University of Salford, as it covered the full Digital Marketing spectrum. They offer support and guidance during and after the course has finished, there are regular talks from experienced industrial speakers and it is in a great location.

If you decide to take the step. Promote yourself digitally and you may never need to go to a job interview again, they’ll come looking for you.

Good luck and I hope this blog has been of help.