Campus and Community

Salford Racing Team Achieves Record Success

We are thrilled to share the exceptional achievements of the Salford University Formula Student (FS) team, who recently secured 8th place in the prestigious IMechE Formula Student competition at Silverstone. Sponsored by the Morson Group, this competition is an educational engineering challenge that attracts universities from around the world, and encourages the development of enterprising young engineers.

The Formula Student competition is not only a test of engineering talent but also an important stepping stone for students transitioning from academia to the professional world. The students put their creation through a series of rigorous tests, including chassis, noise, and brake tests, followed by an endurance race on the iconic Copse corner track.

For the first time ever, the Salford team passed all the challenges and completed the endurance race, achieving a remarkable 8th place finish— up from their previous best of 31st. This performance is a reflection of the team’s dedication, teamwork, and passion for engineering.

Morson Group is proud to sponsor the Salford Racing Team, and continues to nurture the next generation of engineering talent. This partnership between Morson Group and the University is complemented by two major initiatives: the Morson Engine Room and the Morson Maker Space. These state-of-the-art facilities are equipped with the latest industry-standard manufacturing technologies, providing students with invaluable hands-on experience in design, manufacture, assembly, and inspection. Our collaborative aim is to ensure that Salford engineering graduates are not only well-prepared but also stand out in the competitive job market.

Dr Maria Stukoff, Director of the Maker Space, said she is ‘proud as punch’ of the team, for all their hard work, and making such a fantastic time!

Watch the video of the team here.

Congratulations to the Salford Racing Team for their incredible success!