The Salford Business Schools’ student-led Business Society recently hosted the ‘Business Career Connect: Insights and Networking Event’, which was made possible by philanthropic donations to the Salford REVIVE grant. The event was designed to give students invaluable insights into diverse business sectors and to foster essential networking opportunities.
Around 30 students representing the Business School, encompassing disciplines such as business management, law and marketing, actively participated in the event. Guest speakers came from various careers, such as, finance, accounting, marketing, sports, HR and sales, including successful alumni speakers. These sectors were represented by organisations such as Deloitte, Waterfall Marketing, TLT LLP and Imprint Films. They shared insights into their fields, detailing how they entered into their respective careers and gave advice to attendees about how they can follow their career paths, whilst also helping students from different disciplines understand their available career options. Following the panel discussion, attendees had the opportunity to network. which enabled them to connect individually with speakers. Students indicated that several of them have established LinkedIn connections with the speakers, developing their networks and providing opportunity for future learning and employment opportunities, demonstrating their enthusiasm for exploring various career paths.
‘Business Career Connect: Insights and Networking event emerged as an indispensable platform facilitating students’ professional growth, encapsulating the essence of collaboration between academia and industry. The event’s success was made possible through the support of the Salford Revive Grant, covering essential aspects such as hospitality, venue adornments, and potential speaker and travel expenses, the event epitomized professionalism and efficacy in execution, accentuating its significance in nurturing future business leaders’ – Ahmad Ali, L6 BSc Business Management student, Salford Business society
Thank you to the generous contributions from the Salford REVIVE grant, the event contributed to Salford Business School’s calendar of extracurricular events, and as a student led event, it provided enhancement to the student experience. This is now being considered as annual event for the Business Society.
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