Posts by salfordbizsch

Ad Blocking Should Be Banned

22 November 2018

ad blocking should be bannedOk, so ‘Ad blocking should be banned’, maybe a little overdramatic, but Internet adverts are the primary source of revenue for most of the websites. The majority of sites are free to browse which is thanks to the advertisements displayed on the web pages. This model of the internet has been steady over the last two decades. As time goes by, ad companies have become more and more aggressive in their approach, and this has led to the use of ad-blocking software rising dramatically.

At the present time, if you open a web page, you are to likely to see many ads based on your browsing history, cookies and other private information. More annoyingly, many ads are merely deceiving, forcing the users to click on them to view the original content. No one will disagree that the digital ad business has now reached a point where the users find the ads an annoyance rather than useful.

This atmosphere has given birth to ad blockers. You just install software or a browser plug-in to block the ads from being displayed. This prevents the ads from displaying and also prevents hefty ads from eating up bandwidth and lets pages load faster. Ad blockers are gaining more and more popularity. From old players like ‘AdBlock Plus’ to Opera’s new, free built-in blocker. The rise of ad blockers is threatening the economic model that the internet is based on. For these reasons maybe ad blocking should be banned. Read more…..

Seasonal Marketing: Learning What Works For Your Brand

1 May 2018

UK-Swimwear-research-brandsWhen I did my research as part of my Business Innovation Project at Salford Business School in 2014, I was not aware of the huge effect seasonality has in a brand or a business. While I was aware of the search trends and interests of the public, little I knew how much companies get affected by this matter.

Two of the brands I analysed in my research are affected by seasonal trends in a different way, and so, we have had to develop different seasonal marketing campaigns.

Let us drive you through a quick process to find out if your company, like ours, is more affected by seasonal trends than you had expected and figure out how what to do with these insights.

Step 1: Looking at seasonal trends

  • – While one may think tights are a seasonal product, a quick Google Trends search shows that the search of the term “tights” is quite constant along the year, with autumn clearly being the busiest time of the year for demand and late spring the less popular time for searching tights.

Interest over time: search terms “tights” and “swimwear” in 2017 – Worldwide (Google Trends)


  • – Swimwear is clearly more affected by seasonality. We may go indoor swimming all year round, but customers certainly tend to search (and, hence, buy) their swimwear in spring. Although still warm, August is actually the time of the year when the search for swimwear drops more significantly. The interest starts to gradually pick up in December to grow steadily until June, which is the peak time.

Although the graphic below represents worldwide trends in 2017, data does not differ much when you look at previous years or the United Kingdom area, as shown in the graphic below.


Interest over time: search terms “tights” and “swimwear” in 2017 – United Kingdom (Google Trends)

Thinking Ahead: Two Approaches To Seasonal Marketing Planning

When you are able to predict when people are looking for your products or services, this allows you to focus all your marketing efforts ahead of that period of time.

In the case of UK Tights, we have decided to maintain a constant marketing activity through the year, with more intensity in the coldest months of the year. As this is generally the time we have most of our new collections, it seems logical that we send more newsletters out and we intensify our Social Media activity.

  • Seasonal SEO Marketing:

What about Christmas, Valentines and other seasonal campaigns? For some brands, seasonal campaigns are vital to balance their books. Creating landing pages for every seasonal campaign is time-consuming. Even more when your SEO team has to work hard to try to make them rank for the right terms. Our approach to seasonal marketing campaigns has reduced the number of specific landing pages for very festive seasons, ie: Halloween or Valentine’s day, and sale-related campaigns to a Sale section.


On the left, an example of a Christmas campaign by UK Tights. Banners pointed to a landing page with a selection of gift ideas. On the right, UK Swimwear’s latest Cyber Monday campaign, which didn’t have a specifically-created seasonal landing page.

The case of UK Swimwear

For UK Swimwear, we have taken a similar approach, but we have involved the whole team in the process. As we know in advance when people are looking for swimwear, we can focus all our marketing activities towards raking No.1 in for the selected keywords by the time most people are going to be looking for swimwear. Planning in advance helps us decide when to spend our budget for advertising, as well as when to focus our Social Media and PR activity.

UK-Swimwear-Gottex-SS18-campaignFor SEO, this means establishing a link-building strategy that allows you be found when people really need it.

Or even better, to be found before your competitors can provide customers with the product or service you offer.

Fashion trends in fashion can change abruptly from one to the next season, even more, when you sell luxury and exclusive styles as we do. Hence, having a collection available before the high-street stores and our online competitors is vital for our company.

Due to the luxury nature of the products, UK Swimwear doesn’t focus its activity on customers who swim in their local swimming pool.

Instead, the target audience is those women who like to wear something special they won’t find in the high street stores… or they won’t find in the person sat next to them by the pool when they are away on holiday.

On the picture above, you can see a banner used to promote the collection Gottex Cruise SS18, which is UK Swimwear’s best-selling brand. This campaign was launched the first week of December 2017, right as the interest for swimwear grows.

  • Involving the Management team: 

For entrepreneurs and SMEs, knowing when is your peak time means you can manage your budget more efficiently. Marketing a tool for analysing and monitoring the health of your company, but also for innovation. You can get to know better when you are going to need more staff, for instance. If you work on several projects, seasonal marketing will tell you when you can “relax” and focus on other activities, too. Seasonal Marketing planning should involve the all management areas, as well as the marketing team: buyers, sellers, Human Resources, etc.

I hope this post makes you understand the importance of seasonal marketing planning. If you want to find out more about our latest campaigns or give us your thoughts about your post, follow UK Swimwear on Twitter or Facebook. We are always happy to exchange marketing ideas!

Advertising in Manchester

13 April 2017

Manchester, viewed by many as the UK’s second city, is a magnet for activity. Whether it’s the music scene, the shopping, the sports.. it has everything. With the population now being over half a million (Greater Manchester – 2.5m+) and with this figure growing by the day; there has never been a time where advertisers have been able to reach out to as many people and achieve local fame. Have you considered advertising in Manchester?

Clear Channel Direct specialise in Outdoor advertising for Small to Medium sized Enterprises (SMEs); with their reach of 89% of people across Manchester meaning they are able to effectively target practically any audience (Source: Talon Outdoor).


How to manage online corporate reputation #unitedairline

13 April 2017

Corporate reputation, corporate reputation management and online reputation management are all becoming familiar terms to the world’s largest companies and their leaders. We at Reputation Consultancy are helping them to make sense of them all.

As they come to terms with the consequences of digital communications; with a new generation of connected and engaged stakeholders and with the rapid speed of online conversations, the appetite to understand, measure and manage online reputations has never been so strong.

And many are struggling.

From the corporate reputations of the FTSE 250 and the Fortune 500 to the local electrician at the end of your street, businesses across the world are waking up to the fact that reputation can make or break a brand and a business, in hours. Knowing how best to manage and measure that reputation in a digital world is now crucial for sustained success.


The beginners guide to researching, creating and marketing an online business

13 April 2017

All entrepreneurs have a dream of starting a business, watching it grow and making their millions, but to do that in this day and age without using the internet would almost unthinkable. 

The internet is a global phenomenon with an estimated 3.2 BILLION users. 45.9 Million in the UK alone, 89.8% of the population!

If that isn’t the perfect playground for entrepreneurs I really don’t know what is. Nothing even comes close to the reach the internet has.

The internet can be used in almost every aspect of an entrepreneur’s journey to success. The thought that you can come up with an idea, check to see if there is a market, find someone to develop/produce your idea, then sell it to a potential customer base in the billions without even leaving the comfort of your own home never ceases to amaze me.


SEO courses in Manchester #passion4digital review

13 April 2017

I started this course because I wanted to learn how to utilise the Internet and social media to start selling any kind of product or service… The problem was I didn’t know what I wanted to sell, so I just began brainstorming. It was very daunting and I was really nervous as I thought I would never have a chance in the industries that I was interested in. To top it off, my computer skills were very basic and I had never used any social media platforms before. So, I just started googling SEO courses in Manchester and guess what…

SEO courses Manchester


How to advertise

13 April 2017

“How to advertise my business” is the question that most small businesses are asking. Unlike large, national companies who have a near-unlimited advertising budget, small businesses have to research heavily, evaluate and decide which type of advertising is suitable for their business and, more importantly, is the most cost-effective. Small businesses simply cannot afford to waste their budget on the wrong people, at the wrong time; it has to reach their desired target audience in the right mindset.

With so many advertising options available to small businesses, it’s no surprise that business owners are left scratching their heads. Online advertising, social media, press, radio and outdoor – the list goes on. Clear Channel Direct was launched in 2014 with a focus to help small-to-medium sized businesses grow and, since launching, has worked with thousands of organisations, enabling them to advertise locally on billboards, bus shelters and various sizes of digital screens.

Bristol Billboard in high traffic area


What is SEO? How to create a great business strategy: The Basics

12 April 2017

I wanted to start by covering 2 of the most common questions searched online according to results on What is SEO? What is a great SEO strategy for my business? and relate them to the experiences I’ve had with a friend and colleague who runs her own online business.

Please let me know in the comments below if you find this helpful or like and share the post with your social media.  This blog follows my completion of the Search and Social Media Marketing course at The University of Salford.

What is SEO?

First of all, SEO means Search Engine Optimisation and describes how we take your business and increase your rankings on a search engine such as Google or Bing.  The aim is to bring the listing for your website or physical store to the top of the search results and ultimately increase your business revenue.

There are many different search engines worldwide, I have listed the top 2 in the western world; however, the same strategy can be used no matter which engine or device is used to find you.


User Experience for SEO #UX #SEO

12 April 2017

Implementing user eperience for SEOTechnologies such as Google’s search engine and the other search engines out there have made our life easier. We now live in an age where people rely on search engines for answers to their problems. Online business now rely on  search engine and good user experience help to improve their product and services which leads to the topic of how you can use user experience for SEO (Search Engine Optimisation). I work for a company called HX Training and this post outlines my experience trying to optimise our web pages for things like our Legionella Awareness training and learning more about search and social media marketing.

The speed at which search engines give answers to queries also makes it so reliable that some people trust search engine results more than what a fellow human says. Have you ever been in a gathering of friends who are trying to remember or establish a fact which leads to an argument and someone says let’s “Google it” which almost seems so obvious? While a search engine provides immediate access to information, sometimes we still tend to get personal answers from official and reliable resources, or a friend.

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) – the process of making your digital profiles visible on search engines for a range of relevant search queries – has changed drastically over the last few years. Google is the market leader in the UK and has reshaped the SEO landscape. Google is one of the top leading search engines in the world, believe it or not. Where Google goes others follow. Read more…..

What is SEO and the benefits it possess?

11 April 2017

What is SEO?What is SEO

What is SEO? That is a great question, and one that will be explained in detail throughout this blog post. SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) has vastly become an essential part of any digital marketing strategy, due to its proven effectiveness and wealth of benefits (don’t worry I will explain in detail later).

Search engine optimisation is a marketing technique where you aim to grow your visibility organically in the SERP’s (Search Engine Results Pages). SEO is done to improve rankings, increase the awareness of your product or service and drive traffic to your website. However, an important tip to take away is that with SEO, you shouldn’t just create a search engine optimised page, you should make the page user friendly, relevant to your audience’s needs and easy for search engine robots to understand.